from Monday 15/08 to Saturday 27/08 we will have the opportunity to experience together a series of meetings dedicated to the spirituality of early Christianity, through in-depth studies on the life and sayings of the Desert Fathers associated with the spirituality of Franco Battiato, whose music and texts often reveal his teachings.
To accompany us in these meetings, we will have the good fortune to have with us Giancarlo Gasser, aggregate and collaborator of F. I. E. S. (Federazione Italiana Esercizi Spirituali), who will guide us through music and insights into the Mysticism of the Christian East.
Furthermore, together with Prof. Gasser we will have the opportunity to meet Susanna, a spagirist and connoisseur of medicinal herbs, who during these days will give us the opportunity to tap into the very Wisdom of Nature and the potential of healing herbs.
You are free to attend these meetings, which will be held every afternoon from 15/8 to 27/8 from 16:00 to 18:00 at the Romita.
We await you with open arms 🌻
Pace e Bene
La Romita